Setting Healthy Boundaries Is Crucial When You Love an Addict

If you are the parent of an addict, I want to share with you an example of how you can learn to set healthy boundaries and become a priority in your...

Living a Life of Chaos with the Addict You Love? Transformation and Healing Are Possible

In my experience, one of the hardest things about loving an addict is isolation.

Virtual Counselling in Addiction Recovery - Even from Canada to Australia and New Zealand

Whether we’re speaking of business or life coaches, counsellors or therapist, sometimes the best fit when you’re looking for help in an area of your...

Living a Life of Chaos with the Addict You Love? Transformation and Healing Are Possible

In my experience, one of the hardest things about loving an addict is isolation.

Virtual Counselling in Addiction Recovery - Even from Canada to Australia and New Zealand

Whether we’re speaking of business or life coaches, counsellors or therapist, sometimes the best fit when you’re looking for help in an area of your...

If It Doesn’t Open . . . It’s Not Your Door

A while ago, I was going through my newsfeed on Facebook, when I came across this proclamation:

Mental Health Struggles in Student Athletes and How To Prevent Them

Depression is a common mental health issue that affects a significant number of the world's population. In fact, depression is the leading cause of...

Mental Health Struggles in Student Athletes and How To Prevent Them

Depression is a common mental health issue that affects a significant number of the world's population. In fact, depression is the leading cause of...

Addiction and Recovery: What Do Addicts REALLY Need?

Whenever I hear clients repeating themselves in our therapy sessions, I take notice.

Addiction and Codependency: Top 10 Reasons to Stop Enabling the Addict You Love - Part 2

I’m hoping that Part One of this article got you thinking about some of the potential ways you may be enabling the addict in your life, so that you...