“I Know I’m Enabling But . . .” Recovery from Addiction in the Family

After working with the loved ones of people struggling with addiction for nearly 30 years, I’m still amazed by how many come to their first session...

Using Psychological Formulation in Inpatient Mental Health Settings - Helping People Make Sense of Their Problems

Inpatient mental health settings are traditionally guided by the medical model, with treatment focusing primarily on psychiatric diagnosis and...

Compulsory Mental Health Treatment: Know Your Rights, Have Your Say

In Victoria, 10,000 people a year are placed on compulsory mental health treatment orders. For many, this can feel like their self-determination is...

Therapy Has Different Forms Than Chatting in a Room

Psychologist Maz Miller used to prescribe fresh air and exercise to her patients all the time, until one day she got tired of talking about it.

How Better Designed Therapy Spaces Could Improve Mental Health Treatment

The buildings we inhabit can change the way we feel. That's particularly relevant when designing mental health spaces, and yet there are no real...

The Australian Scientists Cracking the Genetic Code of Clinical Depression

Two-thirds of Australians with clinical depression have used multiple antidepressants to manage their condition, the nation's largest study on...

Understanding and Addressing the Causes of Behaviour

Dementia Support Australia (DSA) consultants often find that the smallest changes can have the biggest impact on a person’s wellbeing. Just like they...

Harvesting Your Health

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) individuals and communities continue to be a topic of focus in Australia, a nation founded on an...

The Transfer of Information During Clinical Handover

The breakdown in the transfer of information during clinical handover is one of the most important contributing factors in serious adverse events and...

Journeys of Rural Mental Health Consumers

'Let me be the driver’ – I have removed the case’ - journeys of rural mental health consumers