Loneliness Illustrated So Beautifully You Will Need To Tell Someone

The Innovation of Loneliness

Use of Medicare-subsidised mental health services rising

Canberra, 2 August 2013

Greens launch plan for better rural mental health

ABC Rural By Anna Vidot 21 August 2013

Election Candidates discuss mental health service delivery challenges

The Gladstone Observer 16/08/13

Continuing professional development in mental health professions

CPD - does it really make a difference?

Secure your Earlybird Registration - 5th Australian Rural & Remote Mental Health Symposium

Early Bird Registration closes on Friday 30th August for the 5th Australian Rural & Remote Mental Health Symposium so be sure to register and make...

Illawarra mental health group praised by world renowned expert

ABC News by Justin Huntsdale 14/08/13

Repetitive Pointless Behaviour in Dementia

Parkinson's disease and stimulant use: Punding and Impulse Control Disorders associated with dopaminergic agents.

The Future of Psychiatry and Mental Health Services - Prof Philip Morris

Professor Philip Morris addressed the delegates of the 14th International Mental Health Conference earlier this week. Here is his presentation

State Government to close Qld's only dedicated residential youth mental health facility

ABC News By Jesse Dorsett Updated Wed Aug 7, 2013