Mental health stigma

Mental health stigma still affecting Australian workers, with research showing 4 in 10 hide depression from employers By Matthew Grimson

Tips on managing everyday stress

National Psychology Week is taking place from 10 to 16 November 2013.

15th International Mental Health Conference 2014 Launch

The Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association is pleased to announce the 15th International Mental Health Conference will be held at the

Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression seek Study Participants

Researchers at the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression (CRUfAD) and the University of New South Wales are seeking participants for a...

Mental Health Workers perspectives on Rural practice

Mental health work can potentially have positive and/or negative effects on professionals. Positive effects include the mental health worker feeling...

Submit your abstract to present at the No 2 Bullying Conference in 2014

Submit your abstract to present at the No 2 Bullying Conference in 2014 which will be held at on the Gold Coast from the 7th - 8th April.

Improving Aboriginal health and well-being: a view from the north

Improving Aboriginal health and well-being: a view from the north By Lesley Barclay and Tricia Nagel, Menzies School of Health Research

Rural obesity is high

Rural Obesity Stefan Juengling, The West Australian September 23, 2013, 3:33 pm

Urban approaches to mental health services are often not feasible or appropriate in Rural Australia.

The reality is that urban approaches to mental health services are often not feasible or appropriate in rural Australia.

The Future of Mental Health Services and Psychiatry

Prof Philip Morris, President, Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association opened the 14th International Mental Health Conference at the...