4 Common Myths About Schizophrenia

In recognition of Schizophrenia Awareness Week (20 – 27 May), we’re busting the myths about schizophrenia.

3 Least Expected Illnesses Related to Depression

Major depressive disorder or depression is a serious medical illness that is characterised by feelings of sadness, loss of interest in previously...

The Mental Health Statistics Australia Needs to Know

Mental health in Australia is starting to get the attention it deserves – but to make a difference, we must also refer to the facts. Read on to...

Is Social Media Really Bad for Mental Health?

We see it plastered over the headlines time and again – social media is wreaking havoc on our mental wellbeing. But, what’s the link between social...

During Pregnancy: How Learning Music Improves Mental Health

One of the most therapeutic things in the world is music - a fact that almost all people know today. This is why many individuals would resort to...

3 Mistakes You Make Every Day That Harm Your Mental Health

How to Come to Terms with Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder is a Cluster B personality disorder which develops during childhood, according to the Australian Government...

How to Support Veteran Mental Health

While it’s universally recognised that military service can have significant psychological impacts upon veteran mental health, knowing how to provide...

Where Can I Find Trusted Information About the Drug Ice?

Everything You Need to Know About Sleep Deprivation

Most of us live in a culture that glorifies busyness. We stay up late to get things done, then we get up early so we can get to work on time. We...