ANZMHA Podcast: Dr Joel Davies

Managing the Ups and Downs of Mental Health

Learning how to manage the ups and downs of your mental health is more important than ever before. Today, two in five Australians have experienced a...

ANZMHA Podcast: Bronwen Dalton

The Connection Between Sleep Deprivation And Poor Mental Health

Mental health is an important aspect of everyday living. It refers to psychological, social, and emotional well-being. These are aspects that help...

ANZMHA Podcast: Pat Dudgeon

How to Protect Your Mental Health as You Get Older

Maintaining psychological and emotional wellness is important throughout your life. However, it’s important to recognize that as you age you are...

The role of gambling in family violence

by Raymond Gill

ANZMHA Podcast: Chris May

The inquest into the murder of Hannah Clarke and her three children

As a family lawyer, the deaths of Hannah Clarke and her three children are a haunting example of the sinister nature of coercive control and the...

Family violence and the workplace – the impact of flexible working arrangements

One of the most positive outcomes from recent COVID-19 lockdowns is the promotion of flexibility in the workplace, and the ability to work from home...