S3:E11 | Gary Bruce: How Teens Can Take Back Control of the Screen

Nature Has the Power To Soothe a Troubled Mind

Mood disorders are on the rise. Nearly 20% of people deal with some level of anxiety, depression or chronic stress. Getting professional help is...

The Effects Of Contraceptives On Mental Health

Over 70% of women and 95% of fertile women in Australia opt to use some method of contraception. The most common option is the contraceptive oral...

S3:E10 | Amy Mouafi: DV Homicides are on Track for 2020 - Is This Good Enough?

S3:E9 | Jessica Braat: How Family Homelessness Impacts Children and Young People

What Are The Different Approaches To Treating Addiction?

Addiction significantly affects a person's life, caused when a person engages in the repetitive use of potentially harmful substances such as alcohol...

8 Benefits of Seeing a Counsellor

Anxiety and depression can kill. These are major factors that subsequently result in self-harm and suicide once neglected, hence, the need for...

The Connection Between Surgery Recovery and Mental Health Struggles

Around the globe, it’s estimated that over 230 million surgeries are performed each year. Some are more invasive than others, and some go smoother...

Dealing With Heartache: Protecting Your Mental Health Post-Breakup

Approximately 60% of Aussies have experienced a traumatic event at one point in their life, according to studies from the Australian Institute of...

S3:E8 | Shane Fitzsimmons: Leadership in a Crisis - Reflecting on the 2019-2020 Disaster Season